5 things you should know about starting singing lessons

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Settling in

If you’re venturing into voice lessons for the first time, you may have some anxiety about singing in front of somebody new during the first lesson - don't worry! It's totally normal to take a little bit of time to feel settled and relaxed. Even the most experienced singers who have had lessons before often feel this way.

It's a Process

Like with any changes to our body, making changes to your voice takes time and practice. There are no real shortcuts or quick fixes in developing a healthy, efficient and versatile voice. Be prepared to have to work hard for the changes you’d like to see. Singing practice isn’t just a case of singing through songs again and again - there’s a bit more to it… any good singing teacher will be able to send you away from your lessons with a plan of not only what to practice, but how to practice as well.

It's emotional

I cannot stress this point enough. The voice is SO strongly linked to our emotions that sometimes the work can be overwhelming. Learning to use your voice freely is as much an inside job as it is about learning techniques. And it’s normal to have ups and downs from lesson to lesson, days where our voice is soaring and others where it just doesn’t seem to want to play ball. Stress, tiredness, illness, even hormones can all impact the voice from day to day.

Happy young busker playing guitar and singing

Your voice is unique

There is only one voice like yours, and that's what makes it wonderful. It's completely fine to imitate other singers - mimicry has a part to play in voice training (after all, it's how we learned to use our voices in the first place!) But having help to understand and use YOUR unique voice is the most fulfilling goal of all.


Don't forget WHY we do it! Our voices tell stories. We can communicate our own stories or those of others. And when we have the vocal freedom to tell them in exactly the way we choose, it brings great joy and satisfaction.

Taking singing lessons is such a fantastic thing to do for yourself at any stage of our vocal journey. Enjoy!

Laura x


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